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Modify NetworkManager connection profile autoconnect property

First use nmcli to query and display the current value of the autoconnect property for all network connections on a Rocky Linux system. Type:

nmcli -f name,autoconnect connection 

To change the value of a property for a network connection use the modify sub-command with nmcli connection. For example, to change the autoconnect property value from no to yes for the ens3 connection profile, type:

sudo nmcli con mod ens3 connection.autoconnect yes

Commands Explained

connection (con)       : NetworkManager connection object. 
modify (mod)           : Modify one or more properties of a given connection profile.
connection.autoconnect : The setting and property (<setting>.<property>)
-f, --fields           : specify fields to output.


This tip shows how to modify an existing NetworkManager connection profile. This is useful when the network interface does not automatically get activated after a fresh Rocky Linux installation or system update. The reason for this is often because the value of autoconnect property is set to no. You can use the nmcli command to quickly change the value to yes.

Last update: November 11, 2022

Author: wale soyinka