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The file custom/plugins/init.lua closes the NvChad configuration. It is the last init.lua that is read, and inserts our additional plugins into the configuration.

Its configuration consists of inserting the plugins in the following format:

  ["github_username/plugin_name"] = {},

If the plugin does not need additional configurations, the configuration described above is sufficient. If additional configurations are needed, they will be placed inside the curly brackets.

Let us then take our example file:

return {
  ["neovim/nvim-lspconfig"] = {
    config = function()
      require "plugins.configs.lspconfig"
      require "custom.plugins.lspconfig"
  ["kdheepak/lazygit.nvim"] = {},
  ['folke/which-key.nvim'] = { disable = false  },

In this configuration we have included only the two necessary plugins nvim-lspconfig and which-key, plus one that requires no additional configuration as an example. The two plugins are necessary since without their configuration we will not have support for LSPs (language servers) even if they are installed. The functionality of which-key is disabled by default, and we want to enable it here.

As we can see, the first plugin calls the configuration function and reads first the file nvim/lua/plugins/configs/lspconfig.lua, and then our file nvim/lua/custom/plugins/lspconfig.lua. In this case an additional file is used for personal configurations. The choice depends on the number of changes to be made.

The second is an example of a plugin that needs no additional configuration. Once installed, it allows you to access Git repository management directly from the editor with the command SHIFT + :LazyGit. For the installation of LazyGit you can refer to the Additional Software page.

The third is an example of putting configurations to be overwritten directly into the file. In this case, the only change is the reactivation of the default disabled plugin (which-key). This plugin is enclosed by two single quotes that can replace double quotes. The two notations are equivalent.

Once you have finished configuring the file, and any related configuration files, we need to activate them. To do this, you should exit the editor, re-enter, and then perform a SHIFT + :PackerSync.

In short we can say that this file is the engine of all our personal plugins. This is where most of the additional functionality of our IDE is configured.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 5 września 2022

Author: Franco Colussi

Contributors: Steven Spencer