When we download bash scripts that have been written by others in our daily work, sometimes some key strings are marked with special colors. How can this effect be achieved by writing in a script?
Font color¶
color code | description |
30 | black |
31 | red |
32 | green |
33 | yellow |
34 | blue |
35 | purple |
36 | dark green |
37 | white |
Background color of font¶
background color code | description |
40 | black |
41 | crimson |
42 | green |
43 | yellow |
44 | blue |
45 | purple |
46 | dark green |
47 | white |
Display mode¶
code | description |
0 | Terminal default settings |
1 | Highlight |
4 | Underline |
5 | Cursor blinks |
7 | Reverse display |
8 | Hide |
Mode of execution¶
\033[1;31;40m "1" indicates the display mode, which is optional. "31" indicates the font color. "40m" indicates the font background color
\033[0m Restore the terminal default color, that is, cancel the color setting
Script example¶
We can write a script to observe the color change.
# Font color cycle
for color1 in {31..37}
echo -e "\033[0;${color1};40m---hello! Rocky---\033[0m"
echo "-------"
# Background color cycle
for color2 in {40..47}
echo -e "\033[30;${color2}m---hello! Rocky---\033[0m"
echo "-------"
# Cycle of display mode
for color3 in 0 1 4 5 7 8
echo -e "\033[${color3};37;40m---hello! Rocky---\033[0m"
Shell > chmod a+x
Shell > ./
The effect is as follows:
Última atualização:
28 de novembro de 2022
Author: tianci li
Contributors: Steven Spencer